A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner, and the house needs to be spotless!
B: I’m in the middle of something right now. I’ll be there in a second.
A: This can’t wait! I need your help now!
B: Alright, alright. I’m coming.
A: Ok, here’s a list of chores we need to get done. I’ll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight. You can sweep and mop the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted.
B: You know what, I have to pick something up at the mall, so why don’t you clean the floors and I’ll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries?
A: Sure that’s fine. Here is the list of all the things you need to get. Don’t forget anything! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home?
B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house looks really good!
A: Great! Can you set the table?
B: Just a sec, I’m just gonna vacuum this rug real fast.
A: Wait! Don’t turn it on...
1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)
- Tidy up: 收拾整理,通常指把房间整理得整洁有序。
- Spotless: 一尘不染的,形容非常干净的状态。
- Chores: 家务活,指日常需要完成的清洁或维护任务。
- Sweep: 扫地,通常用扫帚来清扫地面。
- Mop: 拖地,使用拖把清洁地面。
- Dust: 除尘,使用抹布或除尘工具清洁家具表面的灰尘。
2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)
- The house is a mess!: 表达家里非常乱的状态。
- This can’t wait!: 表达事情很紧急,不能延后。
- Don’t forget anything!: 强调不希望某人漏掉重要的事项。
- Can you set the table?: 请求某人准备餐具,摆好餐桌。
- Just a sec: 非正式的表达,意思是“等一下”。
3. 语言点 (Language Insights)
- “In the middle of something”: 表示正在忙于某事,暂时无法立即提供帮助。
- “Just a sec”: 口语化的表达,表示需要对方稍等片刻。
- “Housewarming gift”: 乔迁礼物,常常在欢迎新邻居时送上。
- “I’ll be there in a second”: 表示即将到达或即将提供帮助,是一种委婉的承诺。
- “Here’s a list of chores”: 清单在日常任务分配中非常重要,有助于确保每个人都知道自己要做的事情。